Best for high traffic areas, kitchen, playroom, or entryway. Flat weave style rugs don't have pile, as these floor covering are hand-woven on a loom. These rugs are both handmade or machine made by wrapping or wefting the yarns. As these flat rugs are not weaved onto a backing, so you can reverse and use them. It is important to layer a rug pad beneath a no pile rug to avoid slippage. Flat rugs are highly durable, easy to maintain, long-lasting, and perfect for high traffic areas. If no pile rug is made with synthetic fibers, then it will be perfect as outdoor area rugs. This is one more category of a handmade rug. Hand-woven rugs are usually known as “flat weaves” because they are well, flat. Flat weave area rugs are created with no piles. Flat-woven rugs are made with cotton, wool, and jute strands. Handwoven floor coverings are woven like a basket and look identical from the front and back sides. These rugs are exceptionally durable and great for high traffic areas.